
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Level 1

warm up
lift knees in an easy run in place for a count of 50. Keep mouth open and breathe normally. This warm up will get your body ready for action.
2 Dont stop kick left leg to the side and bring it back, then kick right leg, at the same time pump arms forward and back count to 50.
3 plant feel apart, lean forword, place hands on knees, and lift shoulders. Hold briefly lower shoulders. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 1
1. Stand erect, arms at sides, feet slightly apart. This exercise will strengthen the lower abdomen and back.
2 lift left knee up to chest. Clasp knee with hands, and pull it in toward chest, lower lift and lower each knee 8 times.
3. Stretch both arms overhead and reach slowly for the ceiling, first with left hand them with the right. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 2
1. Stand with weight on the left leg, right leg extended to the side, right toe pointed. Clasp aelbows and raise arms to eye level. This one is for the laterals.
2. Lift right leg to the side at the same time pressing elbows to the right. Lower leg and return arms to center. Repeat 10 times on each side.
3. Clasp hands in front of chest. Twist wrists so that palms face outward, and raise arms overhead reaching toward the ceiling with palms. Hold briefly relax. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 3
1. Stand, feet wide apart torso bent oveq floor, arms hanging toward floor, head down.
2. Swing arms vigorously from left to right 25 times. This is great for the muscles at the sides of the waist.
3. Place hands on knees, round back slowly rise. Ciasp hands behind back and press arms back. Hold briefly. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4
1. Sit on floor knees bent feet flat arms crossed on chest, hands holding upper arms lower back to floor slowly.
2 come up to a sitting position, placing hands on knees. Lower back to floor. Repeat 5 times
3. Lie on back knees bent. Stretch both arms straight back overhead on floor. Hold 5 counts. Relax repeat 5 times.

Exercise 5
1. Lie on floor knees bent feet flat hands clasped behind head, head on floor or raised slightly whichever feels better on your back. 2. Sit up. Touch elbows to knees. Lower back to fløor. Repeat 8 times.
3. Sit with legs extended, feet wide apart toes up hands clasped behine neck. Turn torso to the right as far as possible. Hold briefly. Repeat 5 times each side.

Exercise 6
1. Lie on right side with head on arm. right arm extended overhead with palm on floor. Place left hand on floor in front of chest for balance.
2. Raise left leg as high as possible. try to keep leg straight. lower. Repeat time on each side
3. stretch left hand overhead as far as possible. Relax. Repeat 5 times each side.

Exercise 7.
1. Lie on back, left leg forward o fjor, right knee bent, right foot flat on floor outside left knee. Ciasp hands behind head. Head may be raised slightly or resting. Whichever feels better.
2. Sit up. Bring left elbow to the outside of right knee. Twist torso as though reaching for floor with left elbow. Lower back to floor. Repeat 5 times each side.
3. Lie on back, legs forward on floor, hands at sides. Extend legs straight up, then try to lower feet to floor behind head. (Aim for the floor even if you cant reach it.)

Exercis 8
1. Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat arms straight back on floor overhead.
2. Swing forward to a sit-up stretch arms forward beyond knees as far as possible. Lower torso to floor, stqetch legs forward, and strech arms back overhead. Hold briefly. Return to starting position. Repeat 6 times.
3. Sit knees bent, feet on floor, hands clasping elbows, arms sesting on knees. Straighten back lift chin hold briefly. Relax. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 9
1. Lie on right side, both arms extended overhead. This one is a great waist-whittler.
2. Raise the left leg as high as possible. Reach for left leg with left hand. Lower. Repeat 10 times on each side.
3. Sit up, right knee bent against floor. Hold toes of left foot with left hand, right ankle with right hand. Stretch left leg out straight. Hold briefly. Bend left leg back in. Repeat 5 times each side.

Exercise 10
1. Lie on back, knees bent arms crosed against chest, hands holding shoulders, head resting on floor.
2. Pull in the abdominal muscles: roll the head and shoulders up and as far forward as possible. Hold briefly. Lower. Repeat 8 times.
3. Lean back on forearms, knees bent, feet flat. Bend knees in to chest: then extend legs straight up, bend knees hn to chest again. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 11
1. Lie on back, legs extended straight up, head resting or raised arms extended overhead.
2. Rwing first the left and then the right leg forward and back. Touch right hand to right ankle, leet hand to left ankle as leg swings toward torso. Touch eack ankle 15 times.

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