
Thursday, September 2, 2010


warm up
1. With arms held loosely at waist height, lift knees in an easy run-in-place for a count of 50. You should be slightly out of breath after this warm up.
2. Without pausing between movements, jump for 25 counts. Keep knees and ankles loose to avoid shocking the back.
3. Stand on left leg, bend right knee, grasp right foot with hands. Bring right foot close to waist level. Hold briefly. Lower. Repeat on other side.

Exercise 1
1. Stand, weight on right leg, left leg extended back,toes of left foot on foor, arms stretched
2. Swing left leg forward and up to eye level while lowering arms to touch left foot. Lower leg and raise arms. Repeat 8 times on each leg.
3. Bend keens slightly; place hands on knees, bringing torso forward. Lift shoulders. Rise slowly.

Exercise 2
1. Stand on left leg, right leg extended to the side, right toe on floor hands one atop the other overhead. This will eliminate midriff overhang.
2. Raise right leg to the side as high as possible. At the same time press arms toward the right. Lower leg and returm arms to overhead position. Repeat 8 times on each side.
3. Stand with feet apart and arms in front of body, wrists crossed. Swing arms up out to the sides, and cross overhead 10 times.

Exercise 3
1. Stand with feet wide apart, left hand held behind neck with elbow to the side, right arm extended away from the body at a 45-degree angle.
2. Bend right knee and bring left elbow to right knee at the same time swinging right arm up and back. Repeat 8 times on each side.
3. Stand on left leg. Pull right leg up bending knee out. Hold right foot with hands. Hold position briefly. Repeat on right leg.

Exercise 4
1. Lie on back right leg forward on floor , left leg extended straight up, head raised. Hold left knee with hands.
2. Pull torso up so that head touches raised knee.Lower back to floor. Repeat 8 times with each leg.
3. Lie on back, right knee bent in toward body. Grasp inner arch of right foot with right hand straighten right leg and lower it to floor on right side. Try not to lift left leg. Hold briefly and return to starting position. Repeat with left leg.

Exercise 5
1. Lie on back legs extended straight up, head raised, hands holding backs of knees.
2. Sit up by pulling torso off floor. Try to touch head to knees. Lower torso to floor. Repeat 8 times.
3. Lie on back. Bend right knee in to chest and grasp right foot with left hand. Try not to lift leg. Slowly straighten right leg and pull it to the floor on the left side with left hand. Repeat with left leg.

Exercise 6
1. Lie on back, knees bent, feet off floor, head raised, hands clasped behind head.
2. Swing forward into a sit-up. Touch left elbow to right knee. Lower back to floor. Sit up and touch right elbow to left knee.Do 10 sit-ups to each side.
3. Lie on floor, feet apart, knees bent, hands behind head. Slowly lift hips off floor. Hold briefly. Lower.

Exercise 7
1. Lie on back, hand raised, knee bent feet off floor, hands holding elbow in front of face.
2. Swing forward into the right. Return to starting position. Repeat sit-up, twisting to the left. Do 8 sit-ups, twisting to alternate sides.
3. Lie on back, knee bent, hands behind head, head resting, feet apart. Lift hips off floor. Raise left leg and press it as close to chest as possible. Hold. Lower. Pepeat with right leg.

Exercise 8
1. Sit on floor, weight on hands at sides, legs extended forward at a 45-degree angle to floor.
2. Keeping left leg elevated, make a large circle with right leg-out to the side, down, and back to center front. Then circle the left leg. Make 5 circles with each leg.
3. Sit with legs on floor, feet wide apart. Reach forward between legs, stretching as far as possible.

Exercise 9
1. Sit wit weìght on elbows and forearms, legs extended stright up.
2. Lower legs to the floor, crossing one over the other in scissors fashion several times. Raise legs back to a straight up position. Continuing the scissors motion. Lower and raise legs 8 times.
3. Sit with feet flat on floor, knees bent. Clasp elbows with hands and rest arms on knees. Round the back and touch head to knees. Arch back and lift head.

Exercise 10
1. Sit, hands beìnd head, kneens bent, heels on floor. You will be able to feel your stomach getting flatter doing this one.
2. Lower back to floor slowly, tapping heels against floor continuously. Continue tapping heel as you sit up. Repeat 8 times.
3. Sit. Extend legs forward flat on floor, toes up, hands clasped behind head. Try to touch elbows to out of knees. Hold briefly.

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